Benjamin T. Marzouk – Contributor

Ben Marzouk is a financial services attorney who advises broker-dealers and investment advisers on compliance with federal and state securities laws, including Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) rules and regulations. Ben represents registered investment companies and investment funds in regulatory matters and helps clients navigate the complex rules governing capital-raising activities, as well as public and private securities offerings.

With a deep knowledge of the financial services industry, Ben’s regulatory experience also extends to anti-money laundering compliance, crowdfunding, and corporate mergers and acquisitions. Ben also advises broker-dealers and other financial services intermediaries on the distribution of a wide variety of investment products, such as equity stocks, corporate and municipal bonds, mutual funds, insurance contracts, variable annuities, and other alternative investment products.

Before joining Sutherland as an associate, Ben participated in the firm’s Summer Associate program in 2010 where he assisted primarily with financial services matters. He previously worked as an analyst for a global consulting firm where he conducted an analysis as part of a large-scale restructuring of the United States Army’s financial branch.

Awards and Rankings

Named to the  DC Bar Pro Bono Honor Roll (2013-2015)

Selected for inclusion in Washington, D.C., Super Lawyer® “Rising Stars” (2016)

Professional Activities

Member, ABA Business Law Section
Member, Business Development Committee, DC Bar’s Law Practice Management Section



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